Friday 7 October 2011

Examples of Magazine Conventions

Language - The typeface is all the same, only the weight, style, and colour vary. The lime green font colour stands out from the black background. The photo is a studio photo which is well-lit to focus on his face. His expression is very happy, he's smiling to the audience. His necklace shows that he's young and fashionable. The black background is very business-like which matches in with the Law books he is carrying.
Ideology - The ideology of the cover is that college is a business oppurtunity and it is fun and exciting.
Institution - The insitution was actually the magazine itself College Lifestyle, which is based in Jamaica.
Audience - American Students, more aimed at business and law students. Ages around 18-24 as this is American where college is the equivalent to UK university. It has a readership of other 60,000.
Representation - Students are represented in this as hardworking and yet fashionable. It's very similar to ideology in the way it shows college to be a fun and exciting experience.
Language - The typeface is all different, and they're all graphics rather than a simple font. This goes along with the graffiti/sticker connotation of skateboarding. The green stands out and is associated with one of the smaller features which is about the singer Dallas Green. The girl on the cover is posing nude which is certainly very sexual and suggestive but she is also wearing Vans shoes which are a very stereotypical skateboard brand. She is also sat on a skateboard, which speaks for itself. The background looks like a wall but the edges look dark and mucky, which again follows the grungey skateboard idea and it also fits nicely with rock music.
Ideology - The ideology of the cover is that skateboarding can get you 'hot chicks' like the model on the cover.
Institution - The insitution is The Kane Corporation Ltd., which is a well known for it's lad's mag cover girls.
Audience - Aimed towards teenage males aged 16-19 as it is a form of 'lad's mag'. It's more towards teens who like the rock genre of music, and like to skateboard. It is quite a niche audience for a lad's mag, which I think makes it work so well.
Representation - Skateboarding is cool, and can be extremely sexy.

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