Saturday 12 November 2011

Double Page Spread LIIAR Analysis

Language - The typeface is a serif font which gives off a very professional feel to the article. Addition, when in conjunction with the photograph of the artist (Lady Gaga) it seems to feel very upper class and glamorous rather than business like. The font of the article is consistant throughout exluding the title/artist's name, this is helps it stand out from the rest of the text. The drop caps at the beginning of each paragraph also give off a proffessional feel to the article. There is a huge L in the centre on the right hand page which is very unconventional of a music magazine, this is because it's a unique way to layout the pages. This uniqueness relates to the artist as she is very well known for beingn 'unconventional'. The L is also the only colour on the page excluding the Q logo as that is the branding of the magazine. The photo is in black and white to give of a an Marilyn Monroe/Audrey Hepburn feel to it, which is again relates to being beautiful and glamorous. The photo also gives off a few sexual connotations as Lady Gaga is (seemingly) naked with only a chain-like necklace to cover herself up. It is somewhat like the whole 'chains and whips' fantasy that men may desire.
Ideology - Music is not just about the sound, it's also about the glamour and the fashion. Music is about the social life, it's about being sexy. Music is business, but that business is a lifestyle of partying and being beautiful, having the attention and having people love who you are for who you actually are.
Institution - Q Magazine is produced by Bauer Media, which is based in Hamburg, Germany on the other hand, it also has an address in London. It is however distributed world wide, the main ones being United Kingdom (Bauer Media), USA (Source IPD and Speedimpex) and Australia (Gordon & Gotch). Bauer Media is hugely known for it's world wide success at distribution of their magazines and have a world wide circulation of magazine titles amounts to 38 million magazines a week. They also have a 50% stake in the Cannel 4 owned company - Box Television - which produces several popular music television shows such as Q TV, 4Music, Kerrang! TV and Smash Hits. They are also the creator of Kerrang! magazine, publisher of TVChoice and Total TVGuide, and launched Closer and Grazia magazines. They also have more than eighty influential media brands spanning a wide range of interests.
Audience - The main targeted audience for Q Magazine is males from ages around 19 all the way up to around 39. It's for those who have a real passion for music who like to be informed on gigs and new bands, but also like to keep the gaps filled in, updates on sport for example. This ensures a higher readership as it draws references from the world of sport, comedy, film and even politics.
Representation - This feature represents music as being a fashion, it's a lifestyle of glamour. It also represents music as being an upper class indulgence. It also misleads people into maybe thinking that all musicians, of this specific genre or magazine, are beautiful and good looking.

Language - The type face is a Sans Serif type font, which is commonly used for younger aimed audiences or less formal magazine types. The font is consistant throughout apart from the variations of colour, size and spacing. The only exclusion is the article headline which has a vast variation on colour, size and spread. The font typface of the headline also differs from the typeface of the article. The typeface of the headline is very distroted and almost 'shattered', this suits the genre of music as being loud and reckless. The font colour being red represents the bands passion for the music they create. The image of the band dominates 2/3 of the double page, this setting up of the shot is very simple and serious. The photo has a sepia overtone which I feel matches with the article of the band still being their 'old' selves and not needing to change with time. The white graphic behind the font distorts next to the photo, this gives the photo an almost like billboard sign feel to it, and it's been wearing away having been there so long just like the band, they have been in the music career a long time but they're still here creating music.
Ideology - Music is a business, but it's a business that can only be run by fans. It's not about dressing in the latest high street brands, it's about being what you want to be, and listening to what you want to listen to. Not following the rules or the crowd and acting like a sheep, just be who you want to be without having a care for what other people may think. It's your choice in life, don't stop listening to your favourite music because someone else doesn't like it.
Institution - Kerrang! Magazine is produced by Bauer Media, which is based in Hamburg, Germany on the other hand, it also has an address in London. It is however distributed world wide, the main ones being United Kingdom (Bauer Media), USA (Source IPD and Speedimpex) and Australia (Gordon & Gotch). Bauer Media is hugely known for it's world wide success at distribution of their magazines and have a world wide circulation of magazine titles amounts to 38 million magazines a week. They also have a 50% stake in the Cannel 4 owned company - Box Television - which produces several popular music television shows such as Q TV, 4Music, Kerrang! TV and Smash Hits. They are also the creator of Kerrang! magazine, publisher of TVChoice and Total TVGuide, and launched Closer and Grazia magazines. They also have more than eighty influential media brands spanning a wide range of interests.
Audience - Males of the ages between 15 and 24 are the main targeted audience for Kerrang!. It's target to those people who live and breath music. Aiming at people were music is an interest, a hobby and most importantly their life - most in particular Rock and Heavy Metal music genre. Also, it's aimed at the more fashion side of music, for the people who want to dress the way bands and rockstars do - trendsetters - and people who play instruments, those who's lifestyle has completely been evolved around music.
Representation - The band Limp Bizkit give of the feeling of pure passion for their music. They represent artists as being artists because they love creating music, they don't care for what critics have to say, they write the songs that they write because it means something to them emotionally.
Language - Straight away we can see the layout is quite messy and in-your-face just like teenagers are, and coincidently the feature band are called The Teenages. The typeface of the article is sans serif apart from titles which are serif. The main colour on the page is a light blue which is a connotation of young teenage boys. On the bottom left is a 'Need To Know' box, but the graphic is like a piece of paper that's been ripped from a notepad which also relates to the young age of school and education. The photo of the band also goings with the idea of youth. The three members of the band are all casually/youthfully dressed and are laying on a bed in what seems like a messy teenage boys room as a it has many unorganised posters of partially clothed women just slapped onto the fall. The position of how they are in the photo also helps with this connotation as they're just chilling out laying back, they're not sat forward and trying to look their best. On the right hand side of the page is a subarticle called 'Everyone's talking about...', again this strongly relates to the younger generation as the are widely known to love to hear gossip and what's current. So this subarticle acts as the place to get the latest gossip. The pulled quote, I feel, is used to appeal to the female audience of NME as it's about the bands sexual activities.
Ideology - Music isn't about being serious and earning money. It's all about helping people have a good time and have fun in life, it's about being care free. Music is a way in which you can exit the real world and just escape from it all, it's not serious and it's not hard work, it's all about enjoying yourself and being happy with yourself.
Institution - NME is produced by the media company IPC Media, formerly known as International Publishing Corporation. IPC Media produces over 60 iconic media brands, so they are very big when it comes to printing; they have done newspapers, magazines, trade and technical (specialist magazines), books and all non-newspaper prints. They're a British publisher and are located in within the United Kingdom  in London. IPC are the publishers of many other big magazines such as NME, Nuts, Look, Pick Me Up, NOW,
 and Marie Claire.
Audience -  The NME magazine is targeted at a male audience of the ages 17-30. It's targeted at those who are great music enthusiasts who's important part in life is music. It's also interested in having the attention of music students and regular gig-goers. Gig-goers is the magazines main target as they're at the heart of music - attending festivals. Also, readers who are techno-savvy, such as people who regulary use social networking sites, and enjoy recieving newsletters are aimed at as NME are big on having fan interaction.
Representation - It represents young musicians as very laid back and cool, they're not in the music business for money but the'yre in it because it's what they enjoy. It shares the common representation of not caring like the previous magazines. It represents the music lifestyle as just being a laugh and a game with nothing serious about it. It's very youthful.

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