Tuesday 22 November 2011

Target Audience

The reader of my magazine is to be predominantly male, around the ages of 17 - 30. This will hopefully help me when creating my magazine as I personally fit the targeted audience. The SEG is to be a range, between D and C as I want my magazine to be appealing to the younger generation of students, while still having that appeal of a working class aduilt.

The interest in genre is to be electro/synth rock, such as bands like Enter Shikari, Muse, Lights, Attack Attack and Crystal Castles. Their personality is to be quite distinctive.  As well as this, the interest in 'fashion'. They don't want to wear the latest high street brands but rather the lead singers latest tee shirt is, or they have to have that cool necklace the bassist is wearing. Brands that are quite indie and unique.

I want to aim towards people who are well networked, those who own a computer and have a broadband internet connection. For example, everyday users of electronics such a emails, iTunes, Facebook and Twitter; people up to date on technology. As well as this, I would be wanting to draw in readers who want to know about the latest gigs and festivals near them and likely thoses who have an interest in playing instruments and creating electronic music.

In addition, I would want readers who are fairly up to date on politcial events and social issue (this includes celebrity gossip) as this can give the oppurtunity for small captions and puns that will entertain the reader more so than 'knock-knock'.

And finally, I need the readers to be passionate about music. Music has to be first, and it has to be important to them.

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