Friday 25 November 2011

Magazine Title Ideas

Larynx - The larynx is the organ in the neck of mammals (including humans). It is more commonly known as the voice box. I like the sound of this word, it's kind of harsh sounding, which will fit with the alternative music genre. The word itself actually looks good as well.

R.E.M (Real Entertainment in Music) -  Obviously a play on with the famous alternative rock band R.E.M. It would also be a marketing technique as it resembles the widely known N.M.E magazine.

Amped/Amplified/Amplitude - The maximum extent of a vibration or oscillation, measured from the position of equilibrium. Thus refering the the vibration of sound within music, as that's all that music actually is. Also, the majority of rock is played through an amp or speaker.

Wavering - To tremble or quaver in sound, as of the voice or a musical note. The waver in sound is also what musicians listen for when creating music, this is a way of knowing if someone is in the right key of music.

Pulsation - Vibration or a beat. This links in very well with the electronic side of my genre, but I feel it may be too far from the rock side also.

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